Saturday 4 April 2015

Issue: No. 17 (November, 2012)

房貸資訊分享【Home Mortgage Information Update】


In this issue I would like to share with you those commentaries on the recent housing boom in Auckland; indeed, they are good for your reference. 

銀行房貸利率參考表 (Bank Home Loan Interest Rates)

Major Banks
固定年利率 (Fixed Rates Per Annum)
6 Months
12 Months
 18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
ANZ Bank
ASB Bank
National Bank
Westpac Bank

Major Banks
Revolving Credit Facility
ANZ Bank
FlexiPlus: 5.85% p.a.                                  
ASB Bank
ORBIT Home Loan: 5.75% p.a.                  
National Bank
FlexiPlus: 5.85% p.a.                                       
Westpac Bank
Everyday Choice: 5.75% p.a.                       

請注意,以上各利率祗作參考之用。本公司必定為客户爭取最優惠利率。最近案例:如一年4.95%, 二年4.95%或浮動5.15%。(*: 受特別條件限制) 。


Your attention please!  The above interest tables show carded rates for your banking reference only.  Our company will do our best to get the most favorable mortgage interest for you.  The recent examples are: a 1-year fixed rate of 4.95%, a 2-year rate of 4.95% and a floating rate of 5.15%.  (* with special conditions apply).

We hope that you would take this unique opportunity to enjoy all of those benefits that we strive to offer to you.    We promise you our best service; please refer to us those you know who are in need of home mortgage and they will surely receive our highest quality service as same as what you have been enjoying.  Thank you for your continuous support. 

奧克蘭樓市活動激增(Auckland Nears Housing Boom)




Auckland’s housing market is shifting into boom territory, helped along by investors who are dissatisfied with the returns they are getting on bank deposits, BNZ chief economist says.  His latest weekly overview points out many recent data releases have been weaker than expected; people are still controlling their spending and job numbers are falling.  He says the likelihood of an official cash rate cut has risen, but is still not very high, partly because the Reserve Bank does not want to push even more investors into the Auckland housing market. 

The housing market is rising already and will become a source of inflationary pressure from next year, so cutting rates now and encouraging even more aging investors to quit low-yielding bank deposits for residential property investment vehicles will not only hasten and enlarge the housing boom-bust but eventually destroy the wealth of many unsophisticated and unlucky people. 

Inflation is also likely to rise when construction spending accelerates.  “We all know that just around the corner lies an inflationary surge in construction spending associated with the rebuilding of Christchurch, catch-up house construction in Auckland, infrastructure activity, water-tightness corrective work and earthquake strengthening”.   He said the negative employment and household spending data did reinforce that while the next change in the OCR is likely to see it rise, that would likely not be until 2014. 
工黨呼籲徵收資產增值稅(Labour Calls For Capital Gains Tax)




New Zealand needs a capital gains tax to redirect investment into productive businesses, Labour says.  Labour party finance spokesman David Parker was responding to the latest ASB investor confidence survey, which showed that rental property is once again New Zealanders’ favourite investment.

“A capital gains tax is needed to quell a prolonged increase in property speculation that will only continue the trend in declining home ownership,” he said.  “We aren’t going to grow as a country if we keep putting our investment money into property speculation because of a tax bias that hurts our productive exporters.”

He said New Zealanders should be encouraged to invest in other areas, such as the export sector.  “This creates jobs, helps increase wages and limits our reliance on overseas lenders.  A capital gains tax will encourage investment towards good, productive businesses while also helping to limit the increase in house prices, making homes for Kiwi families more affordable.”

對高資貸比率的房貸發出警告(High LVR Loans Come With Warning)


ANZ銀行上週宣佈該95%房貸的舉措時,也附帶規定借貸人必湏跟該行作其他借貸業務。ASB銀行可提供95%房貸用以購買休閑農莊、公寓大樓及出租屋,但每個借貸會分開獨立處理。Westpac 銀行則表示他們會基於嚴謹的審查向某些客户提供95%或更高的借貸,但會收取較高的利息以抵消相應的風險。


評論家Brian Gaynor警告說,當房價下挫時,銀行對借貸人是絕不含糊的。每個投資者都認為房價會不斷上升的,但這是不切實際的想法,它其實是反覆會跌下來的。他續稱說現時買家必須小心,或許他們已購入一些物非所值的物業。打個比方說,若你購入一幢一百萬的房子,你需貸款九十五萬,當房價颷升至一百一十萬時,你已賺取了三倍的收益。所以當樓市升温時,大家都借貸來投資,但需知道要賺取高收益,就要承擔高風險的道理。當房價下跌時,那些憑藉高資貸比率借來房貸資金的投資者就要承受沉重的苦楚。如上例,若房價下挫了20%至八十萬,此時你必須能以八十萬賣掉房子向銀行償還房貸,但你對銀行仍負有十五萬的債務。銀行對追討債務是不會寬容處理的。

Banks again are offering 95% loans to property investors, but they come with a caution.  ANZ, ASB and Westpac say they will give loans for investment properties to people with small deposits. 

ANZ made the announcement last week, although it comes with the proviso that other borrowing must also be with the bank.  ASB had earlier said it would look at each deal on a case-by-case basis, opening the way for 95% borrowing on lifestyle blocks and apartments as well as on investment properties.  Westpac chief executive told the Herald on Sunday his bank allowed certain customers to borrow 95% or more in some cases.  “We have stringent criteria for allowing a customer to borrow that much.  We do charge a slightly higher interest rate to reflect that risk.”

Many investors buy investment properties by leveraging them against the equity in their family homes.  This policy change allows them to do that before they have paid off much of the mortgage on the house they live in.  Business commentator Brian Gaynor said lending practices such as these pushed first-home buyers out of the market as investors often competed for the same properties.  And he said banks would be ruthless if prices dropped. 

“Everyone thinks house prices just keep going up and up but that is certainly not true.  House prices can turn around and fall quite a lot.”  He said buyers at the moment should be aware that they were purchasing in a relatively heated property market.  “If you buy a house for $1 million and borrow $950,000 and then the value of the house increases to $1.1 million, you have tripled your money.  That is why when markets go up, people do borrow.  They know they can make a huge return but they take higher risks.”  But, he said, if prices dropped, people who bought with low equity levels would feel the most pain.

He said the same investor with a $1 million property would be left with a $150,000 debt if prices dropped 20% and they had to sell for $800,000.  “Banks who lend 95% will be ruthless.  They are not going to say ’Oh, you are a nice guy, just pay us back $800,000’.  They will want the full $950,000.”

Auckland nears housing boom: Alexander @ Landlords on 16 November 2012
Labour calls for capital gains tax @ on 14 November 2012
High LVR loans come with warning @ on 12 November 2012

若大家有各種關於房貸的查詢,歡迎大家撥打09-5356818 或傳遞電郵至與張小姐聯系。

If you have any home loan inquiry, you are welcome to discuss it with Anita by phone at 09-5356818 or by email to

Disclaimer: The information given in this newsletter is of a general nature and does not constitute specific professional advice in regards to your investment planning. 

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