Saturday 4 April 2015

Issue: No. 6 (July, 2011)

房貸資訊分享【Home Mortgage Information Update】

銀行房貸利率參考表 (Bank Home Loan Interest Rates)

Major Banks
固定年利率 (Fixed Rates Per Annum)
6 Months
12 Months
十八個月 18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
ANZ Bank
ASB Bank
National Bank
Westpac Bank

Major Banks
Revolving Credit Facility
ANZ Bank
FlexiPlus:                                       5.65% p.a.
ASB Bank
ORBIT Home Loan:                    5.75% p.a.
National Bank
Flexible:                                         5.65% p.a.
Westpac Bank
Everyday:                                      5.60% p.a.

財務顧問邁進新紀元(New Era of Professionalism for Financial Advisers)

從本年七月一日起,按金融市場管理局(Financial Market Authority, FMA) 的新列定下,所有向普羅大眾提供財務諮詢服務的從業員必須向當局註冊或獲授權才可從事有關的服務,並需隸屬政府指定的糾紛仲裁計劃的成員,這旨在提高本行業的專業性及恢復市民對各財務顧問的信心。

由即日起,本人按Financial Advisers Act 2008成為註冊財務顧問(註冊號FSP2943),專責處理房屋貸款,大家可登入 查詢。本人屬Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) 會員,若大家對本人的服務有任何不滿意地方,請立即向本人反映,本人定當儘量改善以臻至完美。倘若大家仍感本人力有不逮,可直接致電0800 347 257 或(04) 4723725向FSCL投訴,由該會作出仲裁。


From Friday July 1, financial advisers have been regulated under new rules administered by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).  All advisers must be registered on the Financial Service Providers Register and if they advise retail clients they must belong to a dispute resolution scheme.  Those who advise on investments must also be licensed by FMA and meet minimum qualifications and professional standards.  The new rules are an important step in restoring investor confidence about the professional standards and integrity of financial advisers. 

With immediate effect, under Financial Advisers Act 2008 I am Registered Financial Adviser (RFA, FSP2943) and  I can give you personal financial advice on home mortgages; you can visit for my details.  I am a member of Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL), if you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of my service, please tell me so that I can try to fix the problem.  If we cannot agreed on how to fix the issue, you can contact FSCL that will help us resolve any disagreements.  You can contact FSCL at 0800 347 257 or (04) 472 3725.

As I have been in home mortgage advice service for more than 15 years, I am familiar with all the professionals in relation to home mortgages and property maintenance.  In case you feel it necessary, I can refer you to the following professionals such as insurance brokers, accountants, lawyers, property valuers, quantity surveyors, property inspectors, architects, master builders, plumbers, electricians, master painters, interior and landscaping maintenances.  

徵收資本增值稅的建議 (Proposal for Capital Gains Tax)

根據英文先驅報報導,本國工黨將提出向擁有投資出租物業的業主在出售該物業時徵收15% 的資本增值稅。奧克蘭物業投資者協會主席指出這建議已令部份投資者打消購買本地投資物業的念頭,他們或將資金轉往澳洲投資當地物業市塲。

政府2006年的統計數字顯示,本國當時有一百四十萬幢房屋,其中作投資出租用途的約佔有三十九萬幢,若採用REINZ 的中位價$350,000 計算,全國的投資出租房產市場總值達一千三百五十億元,故資本增值稅的建議對本國投資房產市場將造成一定的打擊。反對這建議方案的有關人仕稱引入資本增值稅將會加重業主的投資成本,令租金及房價飈升。事實上,本國商業及稅務專家均認為工黨的這個方案的可行性不大,一般的投資物業業主可輕易地避過繳納資本增值稅,最便捷的方法就是不出售投資物業。大部份的稅務專家稱這方案是變相不鼓勵業主買賣物業,而是把現擁有的投資物業呆放在基金內,甚或不建造新房,這將令房源銳減而房價隨而攀升,會對首置人仕構成威脅。

在國外,澳洲、英國及美國均有徵收資本增值稅,但該些國家是按各業主的個別稅率計算稅值,而不是像本國工黨所提出的劃一15% 稅率。本國物業諮詢委員會總幹事透露,劃一的資本增值稅率會損害本國的商用物業市場及所有紐西蘭人民的退休儲蓄。紐西蘭的商業環境確實需要有效的政策去配合以減低商業成本及增強本國經濟的競爭力。本國總理抨擊這建議方案,認為會令本國倒退及徒增社會各階層的怨憤。

According to New Zealand Herald, the Labor Party of New Zealand has recently proposed a capital gains tax; the Party plans to tax investment property at 15% at the point of sale.  President of the Auckland Property Investors Association said prospective residential investors were spooked by the proposal; the investors were thinking of buying but now they definitely won’t, they would probably buy rental property in Australia and leave New Zealand. 

The 2006 Census showed New Zealand had 1.4 million dwellings, of which about 390,000 were rented.  Using the REINZ $350,000 median, the country’s rental stock could be worth $135 billion; therefore, the proposal will have certain degrees of negative impact onto the rental property market.  Opponents of a capital gains tax say if such a tax is introduced costs for landlord could increase, which drives up rent and property prices.  In fact, business and tax experts said Labor’s idea was unworkable and landlord would easily escape it.  Simply not selling rental property would be the most obvious.  Most tax experts in New Zealand are against the proposal because it acts as a disincentive to selling properties; landlords would hold the properties in trusts and not put them on the market or even not build new homes, so there could in fact be a reduction for supply and prices could potentially go up.  First-home buyers would be further barred from the market.

Australia, Britain and the United States all have capital gains tax but collection is based on the owner’s own tax rate,   not a flat figure like 15% as proposed by the Labor Party.  Property Council chief executive said the introduction of a broad capital gains tax would harm the commercial property sector and have an effect on the retirement savings of all New Zealanders.  He said that New Zealand businesses need policy decisions that will hold down the cost of doing business and increase the country’s economic competitiveness.  Prime Minister, John Key, attacked the tax and said it would take New Zealand ‘screaming backwards’ and was an envy-based move.

本地人民需節儉地渡過晚年  (Kiwis may Skimp in Old Age)

根據星期日英文先驅報報導,與澳洲人相比較,本地人在退休後仍然是〝窮表弟〞。當澳洲人的退休儲蓄已累積了相當可觀的數目時,本地人仍在猶豫應否参加KiwiSaver計劃或乾脆地花光所有。本地退休專員的研究發現,若不將自住的房產計算在內,本地人每年平均祗能將總收入的5%留作儲蓄之用。故此財務顧問指出,現時一殷新西蘭人的養老金儲蓄及Kiwi Saver的儲蓄仍不足以支撑人們所預期的優游富裕的退休生活。反觀澳洲方面,當地僱主會將相等於員工薪酬的9%存入其養老金賬户,澳洲人目前平均每人擁有的退休基金超過5.6萬澳元,而新西蘭則相形見絀,本地人的Kiwi Saver賬户每人祗有5.5千紐元。

本地的理財專家指出,大部份本地人妙想天開,祈求自已可富裕地安享晚年。但他們對退休後每年所需的生活費卻毫無頭緒。雖然每人生活方式各異,但一般本地人以為退休後的生活費需達到現時收入的70%,可惜各種問題也接踵而來。假設一對夫婦稅前收入為8萬元,按〝70%收入〞論,該夫婦在退休後需要每年生活費5.6萬元。現時政府養老金為每年稅前30,584元,那麽該夫婦每年要自己籌措短缺的25,416元。但一般本地人除了最低額的Kiwi Saver儲蓄外就沒有其他退休儲蓄了,這就廹使他們要依賴僅有微薄的政府養老金過活。另外很多本地人在製訂退休養老計劃時,往往忽咯了貨幣的通脹,祗根據現時的貨幣購買力去估計未來退休生活所需,這會令自己在退休後生活出現拮据,足襟見肘。

According to Sunday Herald, comparing to Australians, Kiwis continue to be the trans-Tasman poor cousins come retirement.  While Australians’ retirement savings are building into substantial sums, Kiwis are either dithering over whether to join KiwiSaver or simply not saving enough.  Research by the Retirement Commission found once owner-occupied property was excluded, people were saving on average 5% of their gross annual income; therefore financial advisers say the current rates of many Kiwis’ superannuation and KiwiSaver won’t fund the lifestyle many are anticipating.  In Australia, employers there pay an additional amount based on a proportion of an employee’s salaries and wages (currently 9%) into a complying superannuation fund.  Australians are estimated to have on average more than A$56,000 of superannuation funds, whereas Kiwis have about $5,500 each in KiwiSaver.

A financial educator says most Kiwis cross their fingers and hope by the time they get to retirement it is enough; they have no idea how much their investments will translate to yearly income.   Although individuals have many different ideas about the standard of living they require when they retire, many cite the money they need for their spending after their retirement need to be 70% of a person’s pre-retirement income; however, there is a string of problems to come.  For example, a couple earning $80,000 before retirement would need 70% (i.e. $56,000) of that money to live once they retire.  The couple currently can get $30,584 before tax from NZ superannuation, which leaves them a shortfall of $25,416 annually that the couple needs to seek by other means.   However, many Kiwis in KiwiSaver are saving the minimum and have no other retirement savings, which leaves them dependent on NZ superannuation anyway.  Even if Kiwis have planned for retirement, they may be basing their calculations on what money might buy today, making their life after retirement harder and poorer.
首置買家和投資買家在房產市場角力 (Investors and First-time Buyers in quiet battle for property)

First National 總經理透露,房產投資買家們已重整旗鼓與首置買家們在本地市場角力,爭奪低檔次房產;其中75% 是首置用家,餘下的25% 是投資買家。該公司六月份調查報告發現,吸引這些買家的主因是現行的低息率及低檔次房產具翻新升值潛力,故些這些房產脫手極易。調查報告中有一半受訪者認為現時的低房貸利率誘使他們加入戰團,他們相信現在是購房的好時機。在本國很多地區,房價已趺至谷底,故那些好房頓成熱盤,同時間有多個出價。他預期低檔房源將枯竭,市場上會有一批曾因業主不忍賤價割售的短期出租房產推出待價而沽。

First National general manager reveals that property investors are back in the market and doing battle with first home buyers for properties at the lower end of the market; it seems that 75% is the new home buyers and 25% is the investors.  According to the First National June Survey, buyers are taking advantages of attractive interest rates as well as cheap houses with renovation potential; therefore, houses targeted at those buyers are the fastest sellers.  The survey also found that low mortgage rates presently offered by lenders are regarded by 50% of respondents as the catalyst for sales; in particular first home buyers demonstrate increased confidence that now is a good time to buy.  In most regions, prices have bottomed out and there are more and more multi offers for those houses that are well-presented and well-priced; they are cherry picked!  The general manager also predicts that as lower end properties get snapped up, there would be more temporary or casual rental properties previously taken off the market as owners unwilling to sell for a lower price believe mow may be a better time to sell.
奧克蘭市房價一枝獨秀 (Auckland’s House Values Hit New Heights)



According to New Zealand Herald, Auckland is deemed a safe place to invest and is well known for its high house prices.   In particular, house values in central Auckland have topped the previous peak in 2007 because of strong demand for character properties in good school zones.  Despite house values are dropping throughout the rest of the country, the house values in Auckland are so high that they have pushed the national average up. 

The recent figures issued by Quotable Value (QV) show that house values in Auckland, except a minor hiccup in March, have increased by 2% since January and are now 0.7% above the previous market peak in October 2007; however, experts warn that the increase is unlikely to last.  The figures also show that nationwide values increased in June to just 5.2% below the 2007 peak. 
Experts in the property industry say that there had been a noticeable influx of people moving from Christchurch to Auckland after the earthquakes and that a capital gains tax proposal by the Labor Party, which have caused some rental property owners to have decided against selling; this have resulted in housing shortage and rising prices in Auckland.  But, the present struggling economy has also been affecting the property market, because people are more conscious of paying off their mortgages and any bank loans and try putting off their plans for buying properties.  The experts also foresee sellers returning to the market in the near future could hold back the rising prices in Auckland.  

New era of professionalism for financial advisers @SHARECHAT.CO.NZ, 30/06/2011
Warning on capital gains tax @STUFF.CO.NZ, 07/07/2011
Lobbyist says Labour proposal has some investors heading overseas @NZ HERALD, 07/.07/2011
Many kiwis may scrimp in old age @NZ HERALD BUSINESS, 03/07/2011
Investors and first time buyers in ‘quiet battle’ for property @LANDLORDS, 05/07/2011
Auckland’s house values hit new heights @NZ HERALD PROPERTY, 12/07/2011

若大家有各種關於房貸的查詢,歡迎大家撥打09-5356818 或傳遞電郵至與張小姐聯系。

If you have any home loan inquiry, you are welcome to discuss it with Anita by phone at 09-5356818 or by email to

Disclaimer: The information given in this newsletter is of a general nature and does not constitute specific professional advice in regards to your investment planning. 


See You Next Time!!

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