Saturday 4 April 2015

Issue: No. 5 (July, 2011)

房貸資訊分享【Home Mortgage Information Update】

銀行房貸利率參考表 (Bank Home Loan Interest Rates)

Major Banks
固定年利率 (Fixed Rates Per Annum)
6 Months
12 Months
十八個月 18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
ANZ Bank
ASB Bank
National Bank
Westpac Bank

Major Banks
Revolving Credit Facility
ANZ Bank
FlexiPlus:                                       5.65% p.a.
ASB Bank
ORBIT Home Loan:                    5.75% p.a.
National Bank
Flexible:                                         5.65% p.a.
Westpac Bank
Everyday:                                      5.60% p.a.

家庭信託基金四面受敵 (Family Trust under Siege)




• 修改信託法容許法院在某些情况下可直接深入調查信託基金。

• 強制那些具商貿性質的信託基金要公開該基金的資產詳情,這容許投資者或其他商業機構跟該基金所控制的公司作商業交易前更能了解該公司的資產背景。

• 修改有關的資產法容許家事法院在離婚訴訟的情况下,不單是可分配家庭信託基金所生的利益收入,更可處理並分配該基金所擁有的資產。

• 修改信託基金法加強對基金受託人的監管,清楚製訂受託人的真誠責任,讓信託基金受益人或相關人仕可更易對受託人違章行為提出法律起訴。

• 設立家庭信託基金的調停人角色,讓其介入一切有關信託基金的糾紛,並可對各相關人仕作出解决方案的仲裁。

According to the Business Herald, creditors, lawyers, government agencies and family members in New Zealand have been continuously pressing the government to make changes to the existing Family Trust Law, attempting to bust open trusts that are used as a kind of bastion of personal wealth.
A raft of amendments relating to legal aid, welfare payments, GST, rest home entitlements, personal and company tax law have already come into force or are pending – all to make it easier to bust open trusts that are deliberately formed to avoid legal duties and for some kinds of ill purposes.

Listed in the followings are the suggested changes to Trust Law, which include:

• Rewriting the Trustee Act to explicitly allow courts to bust open trusts under certain circumstances.

• Compelling trading trusts that file returns with IRD to publicly register, possibly including revealing their assets; a register would allow companies and investors full knowledge before entering a business relationship with a trust-owned entity.

• Amending the Relationship Property Act to allow the Family Court to pay out family trust capital, not just income, in the event of of a divorce or dissolution.

• Raising the bar for trust governance by amending the Act to explicitly set out trustees’ fiduciary duties; this would make it easier for beneficiaries to sue trustees and for regulators to prosecute for breaches.

• Creation of a family trust ombudsman to arbitrate disputes, possibly including the ability to impose resolution on parties.

單位業權法的修訂 (New Unit Title Act 2010)


本地律師Tim Jones將該修訂法歸納為下列數點:

• 對各單位業主均訂下統一的個人法律責任及義務條款。

• 若業主欲更改所屬單位的任何結構,需按新修訂的標準化程序申請批准書。

• 業主法團所管轄的地方,無論是公眾的或私人的,現需由新實施的日常實務守則監管。

• 業主法團必湏成立全新的長期維護計劃,以監管所屬物業的維護事宜。對於成立該計劃而產生的所有費用,均需由各業主分攤支付。

• 業主法團所管理的物業基金也需作相應的變更。新修訂法例規定業主法團最多可設立四個基金,用以分別維持所屬物業的日常支出費用。其中必湏包括一個營運帳目,用以記錄所有年度支出項目。其餘三個基金分別管理上述的長期維護計劃及其他日常費用。

• 買賣公寓大樓單位、工商物業單位及零售舖位必湏在簽訂買賣合約前及交易正式落實前由賣方向準買家出示聲明文件,該文件必湏清楚列明該物業單位尚欠繳交的物業管理費用及其他相關的重要事項。聲明中更必須表示該物業單位是否涉及任何漏水事件。若業主跟業主或法團發生任何糾紛,可向仲裁處、地方法院及高等法院提出訴訟。

• 若出租單位的業主需離開新西蘭連續三星期,該業主必須任命一名代表,並將自已的聯絡方法通知業主法團備案。

• 新修訂法提出一些新的業主會議方案及投票選舉程序。修訂法也列舉不同的爭議之解决方案以供業主法團能更有效地作出適當的取决。


The new Unit titles Act 2010 (and the 2011 regulations) have come into force on June 20, 2010 and will affect those who own apartment, industrial, commercial or retails units.  The new regulations affect how owners use their units, how they make decisions on the body corporate and how much money they spend on maintenance and upkeep. 

Tim Jones, a local lawyer at law form Glaister Ennor, outlines the new Act as follows:

• As an owner of a unit, your duties and obligations are now standardized.

• It looks at whether you can alter your unit.  If you can, how you go about getting consent is now standardized.

• The body corporate, either in your unit or the common property, is now controlled by ‘operational rules’.  Examples include where you put your wheelie bin, where you park your car, visiting rights to the unit and the like.

• How the building is maintained is governed by a new long-term maintenance plan, which each body corporate must have.  You will have to pay your share towards the cost of having this plan drawn up.

• Funding of day-to-day expenses (body corporate levies) and maintenance projects has changed.  A body corporate can now have up to four funds to cover activities.  It must have an ‘operating account’ for the annual expenditure items, and it could have three other funds, which will be levied against owners for long-term maintenance and other expenditure.

• Buying and selling units now requires several compulsory pre-contract disclosure statements to be provided to the buyer before the agreement is entered into and before settlement takes place.  These disclosure statements must set out all levies that are due for that unit and a host of other matters.  One of the disclosure requirements is whether the building is involved in any weather-tightness proceedings.  Dispute resolutions between owners or owners and the body corporate can now be dealt with through three levels of decision maker: the Disputes Tribunal, the District Court or the High Court.

• For those who rent out or lease their apartments, there are new rules for when they are going to be absent from New Zealand.  If owners are going to be overseas for more than three consecutive weeks, they must appoint a representative and provide the body corporate with their full contact details.

• There are some new general meeting and voting procedures, and different types of resolutions that make decisions by the body corporate more straightforward.

Details are available on the Department of Building and Housing website at

當心無良的短訊大耳窿!(Danger! Unscrupulous ‘Text’ Loan Shark!)

最近本地出現一間名為Ferratum Group的芬蘭公司,專門透過手機短訊提供超高息的小額應急錢。財經網站負責人Philip MacAlister抨擊這營運手法,認為會鼓勵人們作不必要的借貸;祗需一條短訊,現金馬上打進户口。他續稱,該公司在網頁上沒有清楚列出借款人所應付的貸款利息及手續費用。不過在該公司網頁內載有十八頁的條款文件,當中包含有利息收費表;可惜借款人根本不能在手機短訊讀取這些資料。根據報導,每借一百元就要在一週內付上91%的利息,不同金額及期限可能要付上高達500%的利息。


本國商業及消費者事務部長Simon Power稱他將邀請財經業界人仕及社會團體在今年八月於奧克蘭市擧行高峰會議共同商討如何堵塞現時政策上的漏洞,以防止某些商業機構在本國經濟困境期間仍魚肉市民。Power 稱這種短訊應急錢很容易令警惕性低的市民在未完全了解的情况下而墮入圈套。他強調誘獵脆弱市民的大耳窿行徑應立即停止。Power 說這個峰會一定能坐言起行,提出有用方案去幫助那些因不小心而墮入大耳窿圈套導至債臺高築的市民。並向所有財貸公司發出清楚訊息,它們在進行借貸業務時,必須負有社會責任良心。峰會將提出清指引,讓政府能更有效地提高市民的財務意識。
Recently there is a Finnish firm, Ferratum Group, having set up its mobile microloan service in New Zealand offering short-term, unsecured quick cash loan by a mobile phone to borrowers at hjigh interest rates. publisher, Philip MacAlister, says services like this are encouraging people to take an unnecessary debt.  With a short text by mobile phone, quick cash can be in bank account straight away.  He criticizes that the Ferratum website does not make clear what rates of interest and fees people are paying.  To find out what the interest rates are users have to read through an 18 page terms and conditions document; this is not the easiest thing to do on a mobile phone.  According to the interest schedule, interest rates range from 91% for $100 borrowed for seven days through to rates of more than 500%.

Spokesman for Ferratum New Zealand defends his business practice and points out that text loan as a kind of emergency cash has been hugely beneficial to the Group’s customers across Europe.   He further says that imagine that you were in a supermarket with a trolley full of groceries and your EFTPOS card was declined, literally within a couple of minutes of sending him a text you could have available funds to complete the purchase.

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister, Simon Power, has recently announced a summit will take place in Auckland in August and will bring together representatives from the financial sector and community groups in order to look at tackling gaps in the existing system that allowed companies to take advantage of people in tough economic times.  Power says that this kind of text loan is too easy for the unwary to agree to something that they don’t fully understand and become trapped beyond their means.  He further stresses that the preying on of vulnerable people by loan sharks has to stop.  Power asserts that the summit would not be a talk-fest and he wants it to come up with an action plan.  The plan would include initiatives to help vulnerable people who were trapped in a debt spiral caused by a lack of financial literacy and high and compounding interest rates.  It would send a clear message to all financial sector providers that they need to commit to responsible lending and responsible consumer debt management.  The summit would also decide on a clear direction about how the Government could contribute to improving the financial literacy of New Zealanders. 

Govt has loan sharks in its sights @NZ Business Herald on Jun 21, 2011
Mouth watering interest rate charges on June 20, 2011
Rule change for owners @Sunday Homes on June 19, 2011
Trusts under siege @The Business Herald on June 17, 2011                                                   

若大家有各種關於房貸的查詢,歡迎大家撥打09-5356818 或傳遞電郵至與張小姐聯系。

If you have any home loan inquiry, you are welcome to discuss it with Anita by phone at 09-5356818 or by email to

Disclaimer: The information given in this newsletter is of a general nature and does not constitute specific professional advice in regards to your investment planning. 


See You Next Time!!

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